>>>Non irradiation and Irradiation
>>>How to test the irradiation or non-irradiation
>>>Regulation of irradiation foods in US market
>>>Label regulation in US market

Company profile
Shandong Zhongyuan Greentech Co., Ltd
Non-irradiation and cGMP
Non-irradiation chondroitin materials is attached to the cGMP system.
Firstly, the sterilation process should kill most of microorganism, especially mould.
Secondly, the process after the sterilation process should avoid the secondary contamination of the microorganism. So suitable facilities such as clearance areas are necessary to reach this aim.
Thirdly, in order to avoid the secondary contamination of the microorganism, the workers should be trained strictly with personal hygiene, standard operation procedure and standard management procedure based on cGMP system.
Greentech is the first factory to get the US-GMP certificate in China and is certified by NPA(US Natural product association, old NNFA).
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