How to test the irradiation or non-irradiation


Proper control of irradiation processing of food is very critical to facilitate international trade of irradiated foods and to enhance consumer confidence, consumer choice, and safety. Analytical detection of radiation processing of food is very important to implement quality control at all levels.

During 1996, the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) adopted 5 European standards for detection of irradiation process in food commodities, EN-1784 to EN-1788, and in 2004,5 more validated standard methods, EN-13783, EN-1384, EN-14596, EN-13708, and EN-13751 came in to existence (Stewart 2001) (EN 13708:2001, 13551:2002, 13783:2001, 13784:2001,14569:2004, 1784:2003, 1785:2003, 1786:1996, 1787:2000, 1788:2001, and 14569:2004).

From Greentech’s experience, TL(Thermoluminescence) and PSL (Photostimulated luminescence) is the general method used to test whether irradiation or not in the food industry.

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